Pazartesi, Aralık 27
Windows 7'den windows 2000 paylaşımlarına nasıl ulaşabiliriz.
Pazartesi, Kasım 22
Eski tarihli dosya silme
forfiles /p d:\logo_backup /s /m *.* /d -4 /c "cmd /c del @file : date >= 3 day > NUL"

Salı, Mayıs 11
SQL Server'da LDF dosyalar1n1n boyutunun azaltilmasi hakkinda.
SQL Server'daki ldf uzantılı dosyalar 3 gb boyutuna ulaşınca, boyutu nasıl azaltabileceğime ilişkin araştırma yaptım ve aşağıdaki script ile yapılabileceğini gördüm. SQL Query analyzer'da PRO01 ( sizin database'iniz ne ise onu seçmeniz gerekiyor ) seçtikten sonra
komutunu yazıp çalıştırıyoruz.
Bu işlemin belli aralıklar ile devamlı olmasını istiyorsak yukarıdaki kodu SQL job'ın içerisine yerleştirip schedule ayarlıyoruz.

Blackberry'lere maillerin gecikmeli gelmesi için.
Administrators can configure the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to delay mail processing in order to allow time for antivirus software or anti-spam software to scan messages.
Warning: The following procedure involves changing the computer registry. This can cause substantial damage to the Windows® operating system. Document and back up the registry entries before implementing any changes.
To delay mail processing, complete the following steps:
- In the Registry Editor, go to one of the following locations:
For BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 2.1 and earlier:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Server
For BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 3.5 to 3.6:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Servers\
For BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 4.0 to 5.0:
For Windows 32-bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Research In Motion \BlackBerry Enterprise Server \Agents
For Windows 64-bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Agents
- If the ProcessMailDelay registry entry already exists, change the Value data field to the number of seconds you would like mail processing to be delayed. If the ProcessMailDelay registry entry does not exist, create a registry entry with the following values:
Name Type Value ProcessMailDelay DWORD This value specifies the number of seconds to delay mail processing. For example, a value of 5 delays mail processing for 5 seconds. - Restart the BlackBerry Dispatcher and BlackBerry Controller.
Important: Restarting certain BlackBerry Enterprise Server services will delay message delivery to BlackBerry devices. See article KB04789 for more information.
Additional Information
See article KB04297 for information regarding folder redirection on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, in BlackBerry Desktop Manager, or on the BlackBerry smartphone.
For instructions on creating filters in BlackBerry Manager, on the BlackBerry smartphone, or on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, see the following documents:
- BlackBerry Desktop Manager Online Help
- BlackBerry Smartphone User Guide
- BlackBerry Enterprise Server System Administration Guide
Note: Some spam filters may cause some of the following issues:
- Disclaimers may be garbled when replying from the BlackBerry smartphone because disclaimers are appended in Plain Text or Rich Text Format (RTF) and not Unicode.
- The messages (which are required when activating a BlackBerry smartphone) may be filtered.
- Words such as [Junk], [Spam] or [Bulk] may be appended to the subject line.

Perşembe, Nisan 15
Windows 2008'de internet explorer'in guvenliginin azaltilmasi hakkinda.
Sunucu yonetimi\Guvenlik Bilgileri\IE ESC'yi yapılandır seçilecek.
çıkan menuden artırılmış güvenliği kapatacağız.